Add Products - Individual

Learn how to add single products

To add an individual product:

  • Navigate to the Products page.
  • Click the blue + icon in the top right corner.
  • In the 'Add product' pop-up, complete the product information fields:
    • Product Name (the product name exhibitors will see in the shop)
    • Product ID (code recognised internally by your company)
    • Add Notes - the Product Description (available to exhibitors in the shop). Make use of the icons in this section to format your text and add links to your product description if required
    • "Notes from Exhibitor is required' - check this box if there is additional information you require from an exhibitor if they purchase this product. This could be dimensions, colours or a range of different options
    • Price (sell price per unit, excluding sales tax)
    • Product Category (choose a product category from the dropdown list)
    • Product Colour (optional, but to be chosen from the dropdown list)
    • Availability (the typical quantity you would allocate to a show)
    • Fee  (add any fee pre-created in the "Settings" page, to this product)
    • Extras (add any associated extra to this product, allowing the exhibitor to inform you of any extra accessories/options they may require. For example, if your product is a 24" TFT monitor screen, you may include extras such as a desk stand (£0.00), 3M HDMI cable (£5.00), Wall mount (Shell scheme only)(£79.50).
      Extras can also be made compulsory by checking "Selected by default".
    • Images (upload or add image URL of product images for the exhibitor shop. Optimal size 750px x 750px)
    • Attachments (upload any brochures or user guides for the exhibitor shop)

If you select " notes from exhibitor required", highlight in the 'add notes' section what information is required.

  • Recommended Products - 
    By clicking 'Add Products' you can choose to add up to 3 recommended products to be associated with the product you are adding. 
    When an exhibitor views the product details a section will display the three recommended products with links to add them to their cart.  This feature not only boosts the exhibitors' shopping experience by offering relevant and complementary items, but it also has the potential to increase the order value and boost sales.