Exhibitor Shop

View your Exhibitor Shop and Product Details

Supplier Exhibitor Shop

To access and review the exhibitor shop as it appears to your exhibitors, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Exhibitor Shop Page:

    • Access the Exhibitor Shop page from the left-hand menu. Here, you'll gain insights into the products available for purchase by your exhibitors through your suppliers.
  2. View Product Catalogue:

    • On the Exhibitor Shop page, you'll find a comprehensive list of all products sorted by category.
    • Each product listing includes a thumbnail image, product description, and price per unit (as uploaded by your supplier)
  3. Explore Product Details:

    • Click on any thumbnail to view more purchasing and product information provided by the supplier. This allows for a detailed exploration of each product before purchase.
  4. Utilize Filters:

    • Utilize the filter option at the top of the page to refine your product catalogue view.
    • Filters may include options such as supplier, color category, and more, allowing you to customize your view based on specific criteria.

Note that this filter only applies to your view and does not impact the exhibitors' page view.