FAQ - VAT Exemption

As a UK based company, is there a way of setting products as VAT exempt, on orders placed by companies based outside of the UK?

This question can be answered in two parts:

1. It is a common misconception that orders for non-uk companies should be VAT exempt for a UK-based event. VAT is actually due on all orders. Unless the exhibitors take what they hire home with them (which is rarely ever the case) VAT is due.

You can view a small excerpt from the Gov website explaining this here

If a company was unhappy with this decision, they could always attempt to reclaim:

Refunds of UK VAT for non-UK businesses (VAT Notice 723A) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


2. We set VAT rules at a show level, rather than a product level on FFAIR. If you wanted to include VAT exempt products in your show, every product would need to be made VAT exempt.