Manage Products - Show Level

View and Manage the Products you have allocated to a show, and the information applied to them.

Product Overview per Show

Managing products at the show level allows you to customize your offerings for each specific event. Follow these steps to access and manage products for a particular show:

Log in to Your Portal:

  1. Access your supplier portal using your credentials.
  2. Access the Products Page:

    • Within the show dashboard, locate and click on the "Products" menu.
  3. Product Overview:

    • On the Products page, you will find an overview of the products allocated to this particular show.
    • Here's what you'll see at a glance:
      • Product Image: Visual representation of the product.
      • Product Description: Brief description of the product.
      • Product ID: Unique identifier for the product.
      • Net Price (exc Sales Tax): Base price of the product excluding Sales Tax.
      • Shop Price (inc Sales Tax): Price displayed to customers including Sales Tax.
      • Price Override: You have the option to override the default price for this show (learn more below). If you take this action, the new price will be displayed here.
      • Quantity: Available quantity for sale based on the initial quantity set during product upload, and the amount sold.
      • Qty Override: You have the option to override the default product quantity available for this show (learn more below). If you take this action, the new qty available will be displayed here.
      • Visibility Icon Screenshot 2024-03-26 153351: Toggle visibility to make the product visible or invisible to exhibitors in this show shop.

Price Override:

The price override feature allows you to set a different price for a product specifically for this show. This can be useful for offering special discounts or promotions tailored to the event's audience.

To set a Price Override:

  • Within the show, navigate to your required product.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right.
  • Choose "Show Overrides"
  • In the pop up, navigate to the "Price override per Show" field.
  • You can see your standard price shown here
  • Enter the price you would like to override to.
  • Click "Save."
  • This new override price will now show in the "Price Override" column, beside this product.

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Qty Override:

Similarly, the quantity override feature enables you to adjust the available quantity of a product for this show. You can increase or decrease the quantity available based on demand or inventory constraints.

To set a Quantity Override:

  • Within the show, navigate to your required product.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right.
  • Choose "Show Overrides"
  • In the pop-up, navigate to the "Quantity override per Show" field.
  • You can see the full qty of the product which you chose to make available across all shows.
  • Enter the quantity you would like to override to. *If you enter a value more than the current total qty available across all shows, you will see a notification to warn you of this.
  • Click "Save."
  • This new quantity override will now show in the "Qty Override" column, beside this product.

Override Qty will appear as '# of #' if this product has already been sold in the exhibitor shop for this show. For example, you have allocated 200 chairs to a show. You have sold 11 of those. You add an override qty of 150 chairs. The override qty column will show a value of '139 of 150' to reflect the 11 chairs already sold.


A surcharge is an additional fee or charge added to the original cost of a product or service by the supplier. It is often imposed as a supplement to cover extra expenses or costs incurred due to late orders, such as admin surcharges, or late delivery surcharges.

To add a surcharge to a product, within a show:

  • Within the show, navigate to your required product.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right.
  • Choose "Surcharge."
  • In the pop-up, navigate to the Surcharge Type dropdown.
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  • Choose between, "Percentage" and "Fixed Fee" from the dropdown

If you choose Percentage, the surcharge added will be a percentage of the product order value. E.g. 5%, 12% etc.

If you choose Fixed Fee, you can set the exact amount you want the surcharge to be, e.g. £100,£200 etc.

  • Enter the amount for the surcharge (dependent on the option chosen above.)
  • Set a Date and Time, by clicking on the Calendar icon.Screenshot 2024-03-27 095456

The date and time you set, will be the date/time that this surcharge will be applied from. I.e any orders for this product after this date/time will be subject to this surcharge.

Suppliers typically set this date for around 3 weeks before the event is to take place. This allows the surcharge to be added for any late orders, covering any extra admin/delivery fees which may occur.

  • Click Save.
  • This surcharge will now apply as required.

Product Visibility

After you have added products to your show, this does not make them automatically visible to exhibitors in their shop. Visibility must be toggled on/off, it is set to off as default.

This allows you to make any show-specific amendments to the products, as we have mentioned above (qty override, price override, surcharge) before they go live to potential buyers.

You can also change the visibility of any product before a show takes place. You may want to do this if you have no more availability of the product, don't wish to take any more orders for it, or need to amend some details.

To toggle visibility on/off for a single product:

  • Within the show, navigate to your required product.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right.
  • Click Make Visible/Make Invisible option to toggle.

To toggle visibility on/off for multiple products:

  • Within the show, navigate to your required products.
  • Check the box, to the left, beside any products you wish to change the visibility of.
  • Click the 3 dots which have appeared in the top right corner (above the visibility icon.)
  • Click Make all Visible / Make all Invisible to change. Screenshot 2024-03-27 101158