View / Export Shop Orders

Understanding the Orders Page on the Supplier Console

Overview of Show Order Details

To navigate to the Orders page:

  • From your supplier homepage click on Shows
  • Click the arrow to the right of your show
  • Click the Orders page, in the left-hand menu

On this page, you will find a list of all your orders placed through the exhibitor shop for the selected show.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 125407

At a glance, you can see:

Order Number: This column displays a unique identifier assigned to each order placed by exhibitors. It helps in easily identifying and tracking individual orders.

Exhibitor: The Exhibitor column lists the name of the exhibitor who placed the order.

Build Type: This column specifies the type of stand/booth of the exhibitor.

Total: The Total column displays the total amount (net) of the order.

Order Date: This column shows the date and time the order was placed.

Status: The Status column reflects the current status of each order, such as processing, in transit, received and delivered. It offers real-time visibility into the progress of order fulfilment.

Payment Type: This column specifies the method of payment chosen by the exhibitor for completing the order transaction. It includes options for card payment or bank transfer.

Payment Status/Date: The Payment Status/Date column shows the payment status and date for each order, indicating if payment was successful and when it happened.

View individual order details

To view the details of an individual order:

  • Navigate to the Orders screen 
  • Click on the clipboard Screenshot 2024-03-14 141426beside the required order.

A pop-up screen will open on the right side of the screen, here you can view the:

Exhibitor Details

  • Exhibitor name
  • Company name
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • Sales tax
  • Contact Details

Delivery Details

  • Delivery date (start/end date and time)
  • Collection date (start/end date and time)
  • Venue
  • Address
  • Venue Contact
  • Show
  • Stand
  • Status
  • Payment Type
  • Payment Date

Products (All values exclude sales tax)

  • Product image/name
  • Category
  • Price (excluding sales tax)
  • Quantity
  • Cost
  • Notes (these will have been added by the exhibitor)

Export Order Details

From this same pop-up screen, you can choose to Export your order details:

Download Supplier Invoice

Click the Screenshot 2024-03-22 140808icon to download a PDF version of your Supplier Invoice. This will include:

  • Order payment status
  • Invoice number
  • Sold by (supplier)
  • Billing address (exhibitor)
  • Delivery details
  • Order information (order date, order number, invoice number)
  • Invoice details by product (product name, unit price(excl sales tax), fees per unit (excl sales tax), qty, sales tax & Total Price (inc sales tax)
  • We will also provide a price breakdown, including fees & excluding fees.

Print Order Details

Click the Screenshot 2024-03-22 140814icon to open the print preview for your order. This printout will include:

  • Exhibitor Details
  • Delivery Details
  • Product details (excluding sales tax)

You can also click out of the pop-up to go back to the main order page, from here you can export by:

Picking List XLSX

Click the Screenshot 2024-03-12 125054Picking List XLSX to download a full picking list for all your orders. This will provide you with columns:

  • Show Name
  • Product Name
  • Product ID
  • Quantity

Orders XLSX

Click the Screenshot 2024-03-12 125054Orders XLSX to download a full product list for all your orders. This will provide you with a full rundown of orders including:

  • Exhibitor Details
  • Delivery Details
  • Product details