View Show Settings, Show Dates and Fees Information
1. Navigate to the Show Settings Page:
- Log in to your portal.
- Select the relevant Show.
- In the left menu, find and click on "Show Settings."
2. View Show Settings
The information shown under the Show Settings section is set by the show organiser. You can view:
- Show Logo
- Show Name
- Organiser
- Venue Name
- Address
- Postcode
- Onsite contact details (for deliveries, collections)
3. Show Dates
The information shown under the Show Settings section is set by the show organiser. You can view:
- Live - The date/time the show opens to the public/exhibitors and closes to the public/exhibitors.
- Delivery - The date/time before the show that the event venue opens for delivery from suppliers, and closes for delivery.
- Collection - The date/time after the show that the event venue opens for goods collections, and closes for collections.
4. Fees
The information shown under the Fees section is set by the show organiser / FFAIR platform. You can view:
- Organiser Fee - The percentage fee that the organiser receives of every purchase order via the exhibitor shop.
- Platform Fee (includes Stripe Fees) - The total percentage fee that the FFAIR platform / Stripe receives of every purchase order via the exhibitor shop.
If you think the Organiser fee is incorrect, please contact them directly.