
Supplier Access to Read-Only Exhibitor Shop

1. Navigate to Store Page. 

Suppliers can now access and explore a show's live exhibitor shop directly from within their supplier console.  To view the live shop:

  • Click on the "Store" page from the left hand menu.
  • On the "Store" page , you'll find a comprehensive list of all product offerings sorted by category.
  • Each product listing includes a thumbnail image, product description, and price per unit.

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 121513

2. Explore Product Details:

  • Click on any thumbnail to view more product information.
  • Here, you have access to any extra information you have provided for exhibitors, ncluding pdf documentation or brochures.
  • You can also see optional extra's provided by you (the supplier), relating to the product you are viewing.

This new capability allows suppliers to effortlessly browse through the shop's offerings and gain valuable insights into how their products are presented to exhibitors.

With the ability to view images, read descriptions, and assess pricing structures exactly as exhibitors see them, suppliers can make informed decisions to enhance their product offerings.

3. Sort Product View

  • Utilize the filter option at the top of the page to refine your product catalogue view.
  • The filter includes options such as supplier, color and category, allowing you to customize your view based on specific criteria.

Please note this filter only applies to your view, and does not affect the exhibitors view within their shop.

By utilising the Store feature, suppliers can effectively tailor their offerings, ensuring their products stand out and attract attention within the exhibition environment.