Add Products - Bulk Upload

How to add products via the bulk upload

You should use the "Bulk upload" feature for products when you need to add a large number of items to your console inventory in a single operation.

To Bulk Upload a selection of products:

  • Navigate to the Products page from your account home page.
  • Click the Screenshot 2024-03-25 150524button in the top right corner.
  • Click "download template" to download our handy template.
  • Open the template in google sheets/excel
  • As laid out on the template, enter the following information for all products you wish to upload:
    • Product Name (the name exhibitors will see in their shop)
    • Product Category (choose a product category from the 'categories' sheet on the template)
    • Price  (sell price per unit, excluding VAT)
    • Quantity (the total quantity you have available for purchase)
    • Product Description (available to exhibitors in the shop)
    • Image URL (optional)
    • Product colour (optional, but must be chosen from the Colours sheet on the template)
    • Product ID (code recognised internally by your company)
  • Once you have entered all the required info, save your template.

Please do not forget to delete row 2 & 3 from your sheet before uploading.

  • On the same '"Bulk Upload" page click the "Upload File" button.
  • Choose your saved template, which includes your product information.
  • The FFAIR console will review your file and ensure all appropriate data has been included.
  • If you are happy with your upload, click "Review and Submit"
  • If you wish to amend your file, click "Update File."
  • On the next page, review your product details.
  • If you are happy with the details recorded, click "Submit Products" to add the products to your FFAIR console.

To learn about adding fees and extras to you products after bulk upload click here