Manage your exhibitors' information

1. View Exhibitors

To view exhibitor information, navigate to the exhibitors' page on the left-hand menu. Here's what you can see:

  • Company: Displays the name of the exhibiting company.

  • Contact: Shows the contact person's name and email address.

  • Stand: Indicates the assigned stand number for the exhibitor.

  • Build Type: Specifies the build type assigned during exhibitor upload or creation.

  • Status:

    • Pending: Exhibitors who have been invited but haven't yet signed up to FFAIR.
    • Active: Exhibitors who have received their invite and signed up.
    • Not Invited: Exhibitors added to the show but haven't received an invitation to join yet.
    • Blocked: Exhibitors whose invite email has been blocked by their email server.
    • Archived: Exhibitors who have been archived, typically for historical or administrative purposes.
  • Tasks Progress: Indicates the number of tasks assigned to them and how many they have completed.

You can use the following features to enhance your exhibitor management:

  • Search Bar: Utilize the search bar at the top of the page to search for exhibitors by company, contact, or stand.
  • Filter Icon: Click the filter icon below the search bar to filter the view by status, allowing for easier organization and management.
  • Export XLSX Button: Click the "Export XLSX" button at the top right of the screen to export exhibitor information into an external file for further analysis or record-keeping.


    2.  Manage Existing Exhibitors

From the exhibitors page, you can efficiently manage the information of exhibitors listed. Click the arrow to the right of an exhibitor (beside the status column) and follow these steps:



  • On the tasks page, delve into the detailed overview of tasks associated with the chosen exhibitors. Tasks are categorized as to do, overdue, in review, waiting for approval, or done.
  • Review details provided for Done tasks and take necessary actions such as approval, rejection, or status changes for tasks in review or waiting for approval.
  • View and track the complete history of an exhibitor's assigned tasks and task actions from the "History Timeline" field within a completed task. Click on the Screenshot 2024-03-28 233552icon to the right of the field to view the full task history feed.

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  • It's possible to complete tasks on behalf of your exhibitor, but not advised.



  • Access and modify exhibitor settings information or any custom exhibitor fields they have established from the settings page.
  • Values populated in the fields on this page, are the values which will be shown to your exhibitors if you add dynamic text/custom exhibitor fields to your task descriptions, email templates and My Package on the Exhibitor Dashboard. 

Click here to learn more about adding these dynamic fields to a task.


  • Copy an invite link that can be sent to the exhibitor as their invitation, if required.



  • Review the orders placed by your exhibitors through the supplier shop.
  • This feature is particularly useful for addressing queries or issues related to supplier orders, ensuring effective management and resolution.

Communicate effectively with exhibitors regarding any modifications or actions taken on their behalf to maintain transparency and collaboration.

Exercise caution when completing tasks on behalf of exhibitors, and only do so when necessary.