Tasks - Create New Task

Create a New Task for Exhibitors

To add a new task to your FFAIR platform, follow these straightforward steps:

Creating a Task

    • Click the Blue + Button:

      • Navigate to the Tasks page and locate the blue "+" button situated on the top-right corner of the screen. Clicking this button will initiate the task creation process.
    • Enter Task Details:

      • Upon clicking the "+" button, a pop-up window titled 'Add Task' will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Here, you'll input various details for your new task.

      • Title: Enter a descriptive title for your task. This should succinctly convey the purpose or objective of the task.

      • Response Type: Specify the type of response you require from the assignee. This could include options such as text response, multiple-choice selection, or file upload. Read more about the different response types here.

      • Conditional Tasks: Click here to learn more about conditional tasks.

      3.   Create the Body of Your Task:

      • After entering task details, proceed to create the body of your task. Provide clear instructions or information relevant to the task's objective.
      • You can enhance the task by utilising the below features:

        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120518 Bold Text
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120524 Bullet Points
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120530 Add a hyperlink to a word/sentence
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120536 Change text colour
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120542 Highlight text
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120547 Insert Image
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120552 Add video (URL)
        Screenshot 2024-03-19 120559 Insert dynamic content. Choose Stand Properties or Custom Fields which you have set up earlier. If adding custom field content, the custom value which you have added for under Exhibitor Settings will show in the task for the exhibitor.

      4.   Edit Settings:

      • Approval:

        • Choose the approval process for the task:
          • Not Required: No approval is needed; the task can be completed without further review.
          • By Organiser: The task requires approval from the organiser before being marked as complete.
          • By Email: Approval is required via email notification.
          • Multiple Approval: The task requires approval from multiple parties.
      • Assign to Exhibitor:

        • Add specific exhibitors if the task is tailored for them. Only those assigned exhibitors will see this task in their task list.
      • Build Type:

        • Filter task assignment based on exhibitor build types. Exhibitors not falling under the specified build type won't receive this task.
      • Exclude Package:

        • Specify package types to exclude from task assignment. Exhibitors on the designated package won't receive this task.
      • Set Deadlines:

        • Choose the deadline setting method:
          • By Date: Set a specific date for the task deadline.
          • By Days After Invitation Date: Set a deadline based on the number of days after the invitation is sent to exhibitors.
          • By Days Before Show Start Date: Set a deadline based on the number of days before the show starts.
        • Define when exhibitors should receive email reminders for incomplete tasks by entering a number in the 'Send Email Reminders' field. Toggle reminders off if not required.
        • Optionally, set an 'Unpublished Date' if reminders should cease after a certain date, such as when the task becomes irrelevant post-show setup.

      5.   Attachments:

      • Utilize the upload button to include any necessary attachments as part of the task. This could include documents, images, or any other relevant files that provide additional context or resources for completing the task.

      6.   Certificate:

      • Use the dropdown menu to enable or disable the generation of build certificates for relevant tasks. Build certificates can be beneficial for tasks related to construction or setup, providing official documentation of completion or compliance with regulations. Toggle this option based on the task's requirements and the need for certification.
      7.   Click "Add" to add this task to your active task list.

                8. Follow Task

  • Click the "Follow" button at the top of a task to begin following a task. .
  • You can use the 'Follow' button on any task to receive email notification when a exhibitor completes the task. Amongst other things, this can help you keep track of tasks which are close to or past their deadline.

                9. Copy Task

You no longer need to create multiple versions of the same task manually.  Now you can duplicate an existing task in a simple process:
  • Click on the relevant existing task.
  • Click "the 3 dots at the top of a task.
  • Click "Copy Task"
  • Check/Un-check the box beside "Copy Task Settings" to choose which information to copy over.
  • On a "multitask" task type, you can also copy sub-Tasks. Check the box beside "Copy all Sub-Tasks" to copy all, or click individual boxes beside the sub-tasks to cherry pick which you copy over.
  • Click "Submit"
  • A new task will be created with the title 'Copy of 'Task Name.'
  • Check all the copied settings are correct, and edit as required.