Manage Show Settings

Manage Show Details, Dates, Packages, Build Types, Custom Exhibitor Fields, Email Templates, Shop Settings, Webhooks and API connections.

1. Navigate to the Show Settings Page:

  • Log in to your portal.
  • Select the relevant Show.
  • In the left menu, find and click on "Settings."

2. Profile Settings:

  • Set your show logo by pressing upload and selecting your logo. A .jpg or .png format is recommended, with dimensions of 300 x 300px.
  • Set your Show Card image by pressing the upload icon and selecting your file. Optimal formats are .jpg or .png, with dimensions of 1366 x 132 px.
    • To hide a gradient overlay, select the "Hide Gradient Overlay" checkbox.

Note: The gradient overlay enhances contrast with UI elements.

  • Use the edit symbol image-png-Jan-17-2024-02-34-28-0850-PMto add/edit the Show Name, Venue Name and address, and Onsite Contact details.
  • Choose between Metric or Imperial Units of measurement by pressing the edit symbol image-png-Jan-17-2024-02-34-28-0850-PMand selecting from the dropdown menu, once selected press Save..

3. Show Dates:

  • Show Dates and Times are set when creating a show. If you need to edit them, press the edit symbol image-png-Jan-17-2024-02-34-28-0850-PMand adjust the Date and Time.

4. Packages:

5. Build/Persona Types:

6. Custom Exhibitor Fields:

7. Email Templates:

  • There are four editable Email Templates including Exhibitor Invite Emails, Due Tasks, Overdue Tasks, and Task Submissions by pressing the three-dot menu image-png-Jan-09-2024-04-11-38-0759-PM and selecting "Edit." image-png-Jan-17-2024-01-40-45-0015-PM

8. Messaging Board

  • You have the option to switch on 'Live Chat' with your exhibitors via the messaging board feature.
  • If you enable this feature, exhibitors have a chat box on their console, where they can message you directly. You will receive email and in-app notification of any new chat messages.
  • The chat box is shared between all users for each exhibitor company, meaning if 'user 1' from 'exhibitor company A' messages you, 'user 2' from 'exhibitor company A' can see the chat history. This is great for ensuring you are not answering the same question multiple times for one exhibitor.
  • You can toggle this messaging board on and off. If you switch if on, it is added to the left hand menu on a show. If you switch it off, exhibitors cannot see it.

9. Exhibitor Shop:

  • See "Exhibitor Shop Localisation" for more information.

10. API Connection:

  • See "API Connection & SSO" for more information.