Release notes - FFAIR Scrum - 1.14.4

Latest Release Notes 04/2024


Better functionality regarding archiving/unarchiving exhibitors.  When you unarchive an exhibitor with a stand number which is assigned to another exhibitor/exhibitors you will be prompted to decide wether to merge or create a separate stand number.

Unarchived Exhibitors will receive a new invite email.

New Features

Copy Tasks

We’ve added another time saving process to our platform! 

You no longer need to create multiple versions of the same task manually. Now you can duplicate an existing task in a simple two step process - click the ‘Copy Task’ button, and choose the elements you want to copy across. This will create a new copy of the task, that you are free to edit as required.

View our Create New Tasks article to learn more about copying tasks

View Exhibitor Last Login Date

Enjoy increased visibility over exhibitor actions via the new ‘Logged In’ field. See when an exhibitor user last logged in and use this information to tailor your engagements with them.

Exhibitors can also benefit from seeing the last ‘Logged In’ status of other users in their company, enabling them to have an overview of which users are using the FFAIR platform as expected.

Add dynamic ‘Build Type’ field to emails and tasks

Our emails are now even more customisable, as we have added the ‘Build Type’ field as a dynamic option within your email templates. Include the exhibitor’s build type in their Welcome email, alongside other dynamic fields to make sure you are loading them with all the correct information from the get go.

You can also add ‘Build Type' field to your tasks. A simple ‘ You have been assigned this task because your build type is <build type>' can provide clarity to exhibitors, who may not know why they are being assigned a task. There are a number of valuable ways to make use of this new dynamic content!

       Screenshot 2024-04-12 111609

Bug Fix Release Notes:

General bug fixes and enhancements.