How to maximize FFAIR's Shop functionality.

Five ideas on how to maximize FFAIR's Shop functionality at your next event!


Many exhibition organisers using FFAIR are experiencing a game-changing 80-90% exhibitor purchase rate through the Exhibitor Shop, making an impact on their bottom line. 

The FFAIR Shop offers a fantastic opportunity to deliver a seamless experience for exhibitors and add extra revenue to your event's P&L.

Here are five straightforward steps for FFAIR customers to leverage FFAIR’s Shop functionality, enhancing the experience for both exhibitors and your organization.



1. Utilise a FFAIR Recommended Supplier ✅

Exhibition organizers witness a significant increase in the uptake of services by exhibiting companies when they opt for FFAIR recommended suppliers.

To view the list of recommended suppliers, click here. If you'd like to initiate a conversation between your suppliers and/or venue to have them join the FFAIR recommended suppliers list, drop a line to Adam to get the ball rolling.


2. Ensure You Allocate a Task (with Deadlines) to Visit the Shop ✅

Whether an exhibitor has been with you for years or it's their first time, remember that it might be their initial encounter with FFAIR. Having everything they need in one central location could be a new experience for them. By adding a gentle prompt as a Task (with a set deadline that triggers the automated reminder emails), they are more likely to stop by the Shop - even if it's just to take a look.



3. Add Your Sponsorship Inventory to Your Event Shop ✅

We've all been there – went to the shops for a loaf of bread and accidentally bought milk, a Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, bananas and... lanyard sponsorship.

Several of our clients have achieved remarkable sponsorship sales by incorporating their sponsorship opportunities into their Shop. This allows exhibitors to conveniently purchase sponsorships alongside their graphics, furniture, and AV. Don't forget, the stock limitation functionality lets you control how many exhibitors can make a particular purchase. This is particularly useful for sponsorship items with limited availability, such as Theatre Sponsorship or entrance banners.

Get creative with your sponsorship offering - filming packages, pre-event email ad banners, show guide previews, floor tiles, catering packages - nominal sponsorship add-ons not only help your sponsors and exhibitors maximize their experience but also help you generate more revenue. 

(Note: You can also set up automated Tasks to follow any sponsorship purchases, such as the uploading of a logo, etc.)



4. Take a tip from retail ✅

Make sure suppliers utilize compelling visuals, craft engaging descriptions, and utilize recommended products to enhance upselling and cross-promotion of products and services. 

Additionally, there may be other products that complement the item they are purchasing, of which they were not previously aware. For instance, an HDMI cable that is compatible with a particular screen. Alternatively, consider promoting relevant products. Amazon has built its reputation on personalized product recommendations using the 'If you liked that, then you'll love this' approach."



5. Get exhibitors ready for the new exhibitor manual experience ✅

As a crucial step in your exhibitor onboarding process, inform exhibitors about the enhanced exhibitor experience before they receive their FFAIR invitation. This prepares them for the benefits and helps establish trust with the Shop and their trusted suppliers.


How Alpha Events Improved their Show Look and Feel Using FFAIR’s Shop 

In our most recent case study, Lauren Tandon, Alpha Events explains how sales through FFAIR actually contributed to a huge improvement of the look and feel of the show. 

“…by using FFAIR and having a centralized shop, 88% of exhibitors (both shell scheme and space only) ordered more graphics, furniture, and power than in previous years. Onsite, this significantly improved the overall look of the show, with fewer exhibitors opting for pull-up banners and furniture from the office. The entire look and feel of our event improved, creating a more immersive experience for our attendees compared to previous years, all achieved with less stress and hassle.” Read more